Monday, July 17, 2006

It's Always Sunny

In Philadelphia.

This is the best show on TV
I fear it'll get cancelled
like every other show I've
ever fallen in love with.

I go into the silent laugh
when watching this show
many of you have never seen
the silent laugh
but it exists
it's used only in extreme cases
such as when watching
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

So, I'm back to school for a bit
Mikhail is still in India,
he decided to take this quarter off

I'm trying to go to India
right after Christmas

2 weeks till the show

Quinn is a very nice girl
we're in 4 classes together

and I really can't stand whiny people anymore
I've decided.
whine whine whine


and I've also decided I need a new thing
to call my thing

I've narrowed it down to
not liking people touching me
you know like owning, riding, washing, shodding
that sort of thing

I'll let you know the outcome.


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