Wednesday, December 14, 2005

the storm before the calm

so much to do
so little time to do it

it'll get done...
won't it?

I had 2 enormous fights
in the lobby of my building
with the security guard
who's incompetent
and keeps asking me if I live there

I'm not nice anymore
it's not funny anymore
now it's harassment
and I'm reporting his ass

Matt is a nice boy.

I'm procrastnating again
I have a presentation in a half an hour
maybe I should start preparing

I need hypnosis
to end my procrastination.

Ice Storm tomorrow
I'm driving home tomorrow

This week has been important
I'm pretty sure
I've put 2 major things behind me
and I am content
very content


Surgery huh?
if you're reading this
I'm sorry you have to have surgery
It upsets me greatly
and I want to say
"Use my shoulder."
But I can't, you see.
maybe its not really for the better
like I said it was...
but I really think it is -

2am is not a good bedtime
for me
I can't make it a habit
I can't function


It was worth it.
The feeling now is just plain happy
nothing more or less

but am I ready?
and do I want it?
ok... but do I need it?


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