Thursday, March 02, 2006


Another Doctor's appointment
it's snowing like a mother out
lots of ice
I almost died on a curve
and I'm a good driver in the snow

Yes Kelly, the Burger Palace sign
has been restored
to it's original position

was a day of meditation for me
the next day being the start of Lent
was I or was I not going to wake up Catholic?

well, the answer is
I did not wake up Catholic

I'm sick
and I want meat, dammit

I woke up and had a pot pie!

I'm not giving up anything for Lent

I have eaten 3 bags of jellybeans in 3 days
I don't want to hear it

I'm overeating for Lent, how's that?

I have a hard time
believing God would want me starving
in his name anyway!

I think if he came down to earth tomorrow
and saw us all cookin' our fish
he'd be like

"Eat the fucking Chicken!
Thats why I created it!"

I have a doctor's note
The Golden Ticket
and I'm using it
no school tomorrow

And to quote Scarlett O'Hara

I'm not worrying now
I'll worry later

Scent of the Day: Nuits d'Hadrien by Annick Goutal


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