Saturday, March 26, 2005

Untitled 2

Hello Campers.

Every holiday gets less and less special with every passing year. Anyone notice that? Is it our slow weaning off of chocolate filled easter baskets and loads of presents under the Christmas tree? Or is that all still there an we're just getting to be different people? A little bit of both perhaps??

So tomorrows Easter. Grandpop is still in the hospital and won't be coming home. Gram is still in the hospital and will be coming home for the day. My brother and his family are coming over and we're going to have a lite fare this year, no big spread. Whatever.

So who hates snow? Wednesday was a wretched horrible day for me, I got stranded in Dallas after nearly getting stranded in Lehman. I don't know anyone in Lehman so I had to spend the night at my cousins house. At one point I was stuck between 2 bus accidents , in between 2 hills at the very bottom. In my little car which I thought would never make it but shes a trooper let me tell you. I got very brave at one point and said Fuck this and pulled myself out of the now stopped line of vehicles and went full force up this 1/4 mile hill fishtailing the whole way, passing stopped four wheel drives and people standing there with thier mouths agape watching as I made it all the way up the hill to safety. If anyone thought I was giving up in Lehman they are mistaking. Never would I give up in Lehman. I gave up in Dallas instead.

So now that snow is all gone. Good.

Grease! Two more weeks to go and honestly, I must say, I'm getitng excited now. If Lauren stays home this week like shes talking about, she doesn't know it yet, but shes painting with me. I hope some of you can come in for it, It should be a decent show and my set, well, I won't brag, but it's my best ever. It's also my last. It's my swan song from Northwest if you will. It's time to move on. Fun while it lasted, 4 great years, 8 great shows, but c'est la vie. And yours truly put a full sized vintage automobile onstage. Oh yeah. Ain't no way I was makin a car out of cardboard. Mark knows my motto - why make it when you can use it. So come out and see that.

Michael Jackson was late again for court this week. What a surprise. Thats what you get for having a kid set your alarm clock.

And this whole Schiavo thing is utterly appalling. To condemn an innocent life to die by such brutal means is atrociously inhumane and frankly, I never thought I'd live to see the day where such an act would be committed in this country. Russia maybe. Rwanda, oh yeah. But not here. Disgraceful. And Kanjorksi voted to pull the tube. Asshole.

Of course Rush Limbaugh blamed this one entirely on the democrats as well. Surprise Surprise. We're responsible for everything don't you know! He claims whenever we have the chance to vote on the side of life, we go the other way. Whatever. Asshole.

Britney wasn't allowed to eat at a posh Beverly Hills eatery b/c she had Bit Bit with her. For those of you not in the loop, this is her new Chihuahua. So they wouldn't let her in until Bit Bit went Bye Bye. Whatever.

And I'm sick and tired of opening a magazine only to find page after page of photgraphs of celebrities filling up their gas tank and celebrities using a pay phone and celebrities walking their dogs and celebrities walking out of a colonic parlor and celebrities shopping at Kitson and celebrities pissing on the side of the road and celebrities getting their tongues pierced and celebrities getting fisted. I'm fucking sick of it. I don't care. It's not some hideous secret we all need to be let in on. "Stars: They're just like us" No shit. Frankly, I'd be a little upset if some of them didn't get fisted. But I still don't need to hear all about it. I don't care who eats where, who shops where, who was caught buying condoms and who is reportedly pregnant. NO MORE! Don't buy the magazines, the magazines are crap.

Buy VOGUE, or GQ, or ELLE.

or High Times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no coment

Monday, 28 March, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no coment.

Monday, 28 March, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no comment. that's the one.

Wednesday, 30 March, 2005  

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