Sunday, May 01, 2005

Pausing on a Sunday...

Another Sunday morning post
Happy May!
Is May Day the 5th?
Or is today actually May Day?
May 1st
I hear the world will end
when Pay Day and May Day

So lately
I've been addicted
to Queer as Folk
season 4
This happens once a a year
when they release the next season
Only 1 more season to go
I'll be sad

Sharon Gless
she's fierce
where's her Emmy??

So my Lisa is home!!
Hi Lisa!
You darling, you!
she hasn't shown me a picture
of her new man yet
though she told me she would
and I'm not complaining
I'm just merely stating
that before this relationship
can thrive
it needs my approval.
I'm just saying.
Flowers in a tree, Lisa.
I'm just saying.

Mark Lehnowsky
you poop
answer your phone
I'm being the good friend here
I'm returning your phone call!
the least you could do
is leave a personal answering message
directed at me
"Hey, it's Mark, I'm not here. Oh, and A Big Shoutout to Mark,
my best friend of 17 years,
the first friend I met on my own
at Rainbow Hill"

That's all, Mark.

I need another vacation.
Switzerland, I think.
right Lauren?
some clean fresh swiss air
to cleanse the spirit and
rejuvenate the Keigels.
Think about it!
land of Rolex
Lindt and Sprungli chocolates

I'm very excited
because tonight
my Rosie, whom I adore
and I'll say it
I think she's wonderful
she's real
and some people say she's fake
no, she's smart
I love her.
Big movie of hers on tonight
Riding the Bus With my Sister.
I hear she deserves and Emmy for it
Go Ro.
I TiVoed it

Where would I be without TiVo?
Dead, thats where.
A lost soul, that's what.

Why can't I have hair like Randy Harrison?
Blonde and straight and shiny

My boudoir
is immaculate.
every last inch
has been dusted and polished
buffed and fluffed.

New frames for my art
my frog photographs
white frames
I downsized my shtuff
took out the schmaltz

It gleams.
windows open
get that fresh air in
it's not Swiss, but with the work
of a certain Henri Bendel Candle,
you can't tell the difference.

Someone please give me an occasion to wear
my brand new White cotton trousers.
They were made for me
fit me like a glove
and I never thought I'd say this
but Ralph Lauren.

Its been a long time since I've bought
a new sandal
and now the search is on.
I'm linking and you're voting.
it's coming soon.
I want to include you in my footwear decisions
that how interactive
this blog is.
I'm letting you call the shots
unless of course you call the wrong shot
- I'll just ignore your shot
and call my own.
I'll drink to that,
Oh, a SHOT!
Danzka, please.


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