Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Listen, Mary.

Alright kids
lets talk

I am sick.
I'm sick of anorexic celebrities.
Someone get Lindsey Lohan
a goddamn chicken wing

Worthless Bitch.

Paris Hilton.
Can someone tell me
why she has not been
assassinated yet?

The girl practically screams

Why is she famous?
Shes not even pretty, kids.

Angelina Jolie
does such wonderful things
shes the ideal celebrity
but has a cause
has a purpose
knows she can help
and does it
not for the press
but because she cares

but you don't hear any of that
instead, we hear about
her love life
of which we should not be privy to.
because it's none of our business

I am sick of the media.
I am sick of worthless crap magazines.

I wish Britney Spears
would just pop out
her fucking kid already

I can't take one more
goddamn picture
of her in a tank top

pregnant women are beautiful
but Britney somehow managed
to get uglier.

And that poor dog
shit shit
split clit
zit tit
whatever the fuck it's name is
dressed in matching ugly tank tops

Its all far too much to digest
isn't it?

Why do we allow ourselves
to be subjected to such utter garbage?

Lets digress, shall we?

lets talk about my dream last night.
yes, I dreamed.

as many of you know -
thats a rare occurance.

I simply don't dream.

Last night I dreamed
my house burned down

The fire started in my mothers bedroom
which is next to mine
then it came thoug the wall
into my room

now in my dream
I actually went over
the "what would i grab in a fire" list
that I posted here a few months ago.

In my dream I was literally searching
for shit to grab quickly

I remember feeling just pissed
not sad
not frantic
just fucking pissed

because I knew I was going to lose my closet.

I don't know if I did or not
I woke up.

I do however remember
that I did not grab my picture box.

So what does this mean?
Maybe it has to do with Katrina.
It's always on my mind.
I'm sure it's on yours.

So has anyone had a dream like this, ever?
Please tell me.
Because I'm fucking paranoid.

My mother lit a candle tonight
and I flipped out.

She fucking just had lit it
and I come in the room
and just blow it out

so I was thinking
dreams don't really mean what you dream
it's usually like the opposite
or something that is distantly connected

like whatever my dream was meant to symbolize
it probably wont happen like it did in the dream

so I was thinking, right...

the opposite of fire - water.

water - floods

floods - Katrina.

Ok, fine.

but as I've said - I don't dream.

Why was this dream allowed to come through
my deep sleep for me to remember it?

What forces are at work here?

So say what you want,
but I made sure my photo box is accessible from now on

after all - you are all in it.

and why would I not want to save you?

How fucking random is this post?
It probably doesn't even make sense

oh well, I'm not fucking reading it to find out.
I'm hitting publish and going to sleep
so all typos and shit you're just
going to have to live with them.

you know - nothing really exciting
ever happens to me anymore.

Mark is lovely, guys. I want you all to meet him.

Mandy, Kelly, Alex, Jeff, Anonymous, Lizzy -
you all posted comments
and I love you for it

that means you read this shit.
God help you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course we read your shit silly, you don't know what you're missing if you don't!!! Maybe I need to make a web blog and bitch about work, what do you think? Sounds good to me!

Tuesday, 20 September, 2005  

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