Saturday, October 01, 2005


i feel like i should be
more expressive
not in a creative sense
but in an inner sense

i feel like i lose you
you know who you are
i feel like i've lost you

why do i keep things within

i'm feeling the veil of sadness
normally i'd push it aside
like every other aspect of my life
but tonight i'm too tired
i'm internally exhausted

i thought you sensed that

i need to let you know
what i value
and then you can understand this

by now you've begun to know
that i don't say what i feel
at least the emotions that matter
yes, i'm quick to form an opinion
and tell you what i dislike
but those emotions are trivial

I have 1 day.
and a lot to cover.
you were on the agenda
and you removed yourself
let us talk about why
that can fuck up a night
and why?
it comes in a glass.

T minus 1 day
change of scenery
change of pace
change of attitude
and I WANT you
along for the ride

so get in


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