Wednesday, April 13, 2005

In breif

My brothers and sisters in Blog-

While I'm waiting for this fabulous Clarins self tanner to dry, I thought I'd say hello to you all and assure you that I'm not dead, I've just been very busy.

So, Grease! is over, you'll see pictures soon, hold your horses.

I was a paintin' machine. And the kids were actually grateful this year and I got wonderful gift cards and 2 dozen roses. So, thank you NTE Children.

I got my hair cut and colored today and it looks fabulous, its just a lot darker and so I needed to tan so it looks ok with my skin tone. I am proud to announce that I have a hair stylist now. Oh yeah, shes all mine. Kelly. I've been faithful now for 8 months. Shes a doll and is the one who convinced me to start using a flat iron so of course, I could never cheat and go to someone else. God love her, some bitch hit her van in the parking lot and was driving away and luckily Kelly never shut up about her friggin van when she was buying it so I thought "Gee, gold Nissan van - KELLY!' and sure enough it was hers and I saw it happen and I got license plate numbers and the whole shebang and my dear Kelly gave me a free cut and color but I tipped her very well.

Hey, My blog is a month old today. Happy birthday blog.

I'm seeing Dirty Rotten Scoundrels tomorrow in NYC. Should be fun.

I bought Doogie Howser MD on DVD yesterday with my Wal Mart gift card given me by the NTE children. And I also bought Murder she Wrote season 1 b/c I love it.

Oh Angela Lansbury. I just love ya!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very jealous that you have kelly as your stylist...she did my hair at regis for every formal dance i went to in highschool. Damn she is good!...your hair of course always looks fab! Love you and miss you!

Tuesday, 26 April, 2005  

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