Sunday, March 12, 2006


Dawn and I
saw Final Destination 3

normally, I hate sequels
but the folks at Final Destination Inc
always keep us on the edge
of our seats

I, for one
look forward to many more
Final Destinations

even if the title is a lie
it wasn't really the Final
Destination, was it?

There was nothing particularly final about it

but I digress

I came across a wonderfully charming couple
at the gas station this evening
at 1 AM
as I went inside to pre-pay

She changed her mind several times
about 12, actually
over which brand of cigarettes
she wanted that evening

He, dressed in digitally enhanced
head to toe, might I add
was describing, in detail
his utter disgust for the lack of morality
that the judicial system is imposing on
upscale establishments
such as "BYOB Titty Bars"
where the girls have to wear pasties
over their, and I quote, "nipples."

His point, and I rather agree with him
is essentially - What IS the point?

Now, she had been drinking
you could smell it

And he was the driver for the evening
and he was dressed for a night on the town,
let me assure you

Camouflage, if you'll recall.

He was wearing cheap, cheap, CHEAP cologne
you could smell it

My nose went into spasms

It was the typical scene that I very often
find myself in
at various refueling stations
in my area

I walked into the station
and a 20-something man
with unwashed hair
was sporting a pair of dodgeballs
under his t-shirt

this is what led to the titty-bar discussion
in the first place

It took me 15 minutes to pre-pay
I had to wait of course
for the broad to make up her mind

I feel that it should be noted
that for some reason or another
she had several shades of
fluorescent highlighter
on her hands
in bold, practically Aboriginal

of all the gas stations in the world,
I had to walk into theirs.


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